Apply Eyelash Extensions1

Simple Ways to Apply Eyelash Extensions

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How are eyelash extensions put on? How can lash extensions be applied more quickly? One of the most popular beauty trends today is eyelash extensions. Time, commitment, and a ton of practice are necessary when applying them, especially when you’re first starting out as a lash artist.

To start, let’s talk about how to get ready for a lash appointment. In this blog, you will learn all the steps necessary to apply for lash extensions, how to remove the eyelash extensions safely and correctly, eyelash extensions before and after, and lash care instructions.

What Are Extensions For Lash?

Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent fibers that are glued to your natural eyelashes in order to lengthen, fill out, and darken your lash fringe. One extension is attached to each of your individual natural eyelashes (one natural eyelash per extension) using a semi-permanent glue.

Lashes extensions can be made of synthetic, mink, faux mink, or silk fibers, though the specific material used varies from studio to studio. The majority of salons provide a range of extension lengths, curl patterns, and tints so that customers can personalize their appearance.

Avoid placing the sticker too close to the eye when using the lint-free eye patches below the eyes. Three to four millimeters should separate the sticker from the lower lash line, over the natural lower lashes. Make sure there are no gaps between the upper and lower lids by checking the underside of the lids.

How To Apply Eyelash Extensions



Always use at least three different lengths of lash extensions that range from 8 mm to 14 mm in length if you are using feather or mink lashes.

To avoid giving off a fake clownish appearance, it is best to use lash extensions that are eight millimeters (mm) long in the inner corners of the eyes. You should also use extensions that are between eight and fourteen millimeters (mm) long all over the eye, with the longer ones producing a thicker lash line.

Lack of coordination between short extensions results in empty spaces, which gives the long extensions the appearance of spider legs. Choose 0.15 mm thick and B or C curly lash extensions for a more natural appearance. Finer extensions create a more organic appearance.


Lay out your eyelashes on your vinyl pad so that you can quickly pick up the extensions. Effectively position the extension in the tweezers. For quick, accurate application, the extension should be oriented at a 90-degree angle to the straight tweezer.


Holding the extension by its tapered end, dip it into the adhesive; for eyelash extensions that last longer, we recommend using adhesive; this will result in satisfied customers; make sure there is enough adhesive at the extension’s base. Before putting on the lashes, wipe away any extra glue.


VETUS tweezers should be used to isolate the natural lashes. Swipe the extension across the natural lash, keeping the extension from its tapered finish. Fill in all of the natural eyelashes surface area with adhesive, leaving no gaps. The lash adhesive should be evenly spread.


The individual lash extension is released onto the natural lash after the normal lash has been coated with just enough glue to coat it, and the extension is set on the natural lash about 1 mm from the eyelid.

There shouldn’t be any glue beads in the lash, and they should be facing upwards and parallel to the other lashes. After the extension has been applied, avoid touching it. When it becomes increasingly difficult to separate more natural lashes, move on to another area or the opposite eye and repeatedly apply extensions.


No two lashes, whether extensions or natural, should adhere to one another. Any extensions that might be tangled up can be separated using the two sets of lash tweezers. The adhesive should be dry but not fully cured before you grasp and separate using the horizontal method.
Never pull on natural lashes in a vertical direction or apply any rigidity.

Till every single natural lash is adhered to the specific lash, repeat the application and separation steps.


It’s time to let the freshly adorned lashes air dry for 3 to 5 minutes after all applied lash extensions have been firmly bonded. Mist with distilled water, dry again for three minutes and perform one final separation cycle.

Apply Eyelash Extensions

How Do I Know If My Eyelashes Are Excessively Long And Likely To Harm Me?

The natural lash will crook downward when too much volume is added. When the client’s eyes are open, this is discernible from both the front and side views. It’s crucial to ensure that NO lashes have bowed lower than the rest of the lash line after the lash application is complete. It’s crucial to get rid of any such extensions and swap them out for shorter or lower-volume ones as soon as you notice any.

It’s a good idea to double-check that you are not using too much volume or too long lashes if you notice that your customers’ natural lashes are weakening after they started wearing extensions.

It may be a good idea to try shorter extensions to see if that improves their retention if you have customers with long extensions and notice that they are not getting good retention while everything else seems to be on point.

How Much Can You Safely Extend?

The weight of the extension and the strength and length of the natural lash is the deciding factors. The capacity of a natural lash increases with length and thickness.

How much an extension weighs is determined by its length and diameter. The following extensions with different diameters have roughly the same weight:

  • Traditional lashes: Natural lashes can be increased in length by up to 30%. A 10mm natural lash can be extended by 10mm x 30%, or 3mm. Consequently, the longest extension you could apply to this lash would be 10mm + 3mm = 13mm.
  • Volume lashes may be lengthened by 40% of the length of the natural lash thanks to their lighter weight and the ability to be wrapped around it. A 10mm natural lash can therefore support a 14mm extension.

Where Should Extensions Be Placed In Relation To The Skin?

To prevent harming the skin, lashes should always be applied very close to the lash line. For volume lashes, a recommended separation of 0.3mm and 0.5mm from the eyelid is used. Because classic lashes are thicker and cannot be wrapped around the natural lash, they should be applied more thoroughly because they irritate customers’ skin when they touch their lashes.

Does Natural Eyelash Growth Return After Extensions?

This is where things start to get a little hairy. “Lash extensions alone will not ruin your lashes,” Richardson explains. “When false lashes are applied incorrectly or stylists choose the incorrect type of lash for a natural lash that already exists, the natural lashes are damaged. The main causes of this issue are as follows: applying extensions that are too heavy for the natural lash will cause premature shedding, and rubbing your eyes will cause immediate breakage.”

For this reason, getting lash extensions done by a properly qualified esthetician is essential. Having said that, you can follow all the proper procedures and still experience natural eyelash breakage as a result of eyelash extensions. Your natural lashes can suffer from problems, such as falling out or breaking off, due to outside factors you have no control over (like if you rub your eyes while you sleep or if you have a genetically accelerated lash cycle).

Keep in mind though, eyelashes are hair⁠—and unless you have a pre-existing condition or circumstance, hair grows back. In other words, they will regrow. Any breakage or fallout should go away in one to three months as part of a typical lash growth cycle, more on that below. Damage to your natural eyelashes is undoubtedly undesirable (and is not sustainable over time), but it should resolve itself.

How Long Do They Last?

Eyelashes grow and shed naturally, just like the hair on your head does. Regardless of whether you wear eyelash extensions or not, all of your lashes are at a different stage at any given time, which means that some of them are about to fall out while others are growing. Since an individual extension is applied to a single lash, it will naturally fall out when the natural lash sheds. If you aren’t exacerbating this shedding process by rubbing your eyes, applying mascara, or compromising the glue with oily eye products, your lash extensions should last up to a month before you need a “refill” appointment.

To maintain the best result, refills are required every two to four weeks, unless you’re switching off of extensions. You’ll notice a more disorganized appearance after two to four weeks as new natural lashes fill in and lashes that had extensions attached start to fall out because each of your individual lashes is at a different stage in the growth cycle.

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