When traveling to and from locations where Delta-8 is permitted, as long as the airline you choose does not expressly forbid Delta-8 products, it is acceptable to fly with Delta-8.
You should check with your local laws and your preferred airline to find out what you can and cannot pack before packing your bags to catch a flight. You might be surprised by what you can’t legally bring on a plane (like batteries), as this is true even for items that aren’t Delta-8.
An individual is thoroughly inspected by airport security personnel for weapons or other items that could endanger others.
Since you’ll need to be mindful of the local laws of your destination, where you’re going also has a significant impact on what you can bring. On a domestic flight, is Delta-8 allowed on the aircraft? How about a trip abroad by plane?
Is Taking Delta 8 Thc On A Plane Legal?
Even though Delta 8 is increasingly popular and legal in most of the country, most users are still unsure about whether it’s a good idea to bring on a flight.
This technically means that if you fly Delta 8 THC across state lines, you won’t encounter any issues with the federal government because it is legal on the federal level. While it’s frequently acceptable to travel with a Delta 8, you might need to follow some restrictions regarding how it should be stored during the flight.
When traveling to and from locations where Delta 8 is allowed, as long as the airline you choose doesn’t specifically forbid Delta 8 products, it is legal to fly with Delta 8.
You must first determine what you can and cannot pack by consulting your local laws and the policies of your preferred airline. You might be shocked at what you can’t legally bring on a plane (like batteries) if you don’t carry Delta 8 products, but this is true even for those.
Storing Delta 8 Thc For Your Flight
Any liquid tobacco products must be packed in your carry-on bag according to international regulations. The same holds true for THC products in liquid form. Airlines have the right to search your bag and seize any vapes they find if they are discovered in checked luggage.
In other cases, they might decide to leave the luggage at the airport of departure. Due to worries that electronic vaporizers and their batteries pose a fire risk, flying with them can be challenging.
Can You Travel Abroad With Delta-8?
While you might be able to bring Delta-8 on a domestic flight, doing so while carrying Delta-8-THC is entirely different.
The vast majority of nations (including the U.S.)) consider cannabis to be an illicit substance, and some countries have incredibly harsh penalties for cannabis possession. Unfortunately, many regions do not make an exception for goods made from hemp, unlike the United States.
Products made from cannabis and hemp, such as oils, vapes, and other concentrates, may be subject to strict regulations and legal penalties. There may still be fines for products bought outside the region or for having paraphernalia in your possession, even in places where cannabis is legal.
TSA Rules For Cannabis Products

As a result of hemp and products derived from it being legalized by the 2018 Farm Bill, the TSA updated its regulations in 2019.
The previous rules banned all “marijuana and cannabis-infused products,” but the new rule makes an exception for “products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis or are approved by the FDA,” referencing the To be more specific, see the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act.
Here, federal law specifies that hemp products, including cannabinoids, isomers, and other extracts that contain less than 0.3% Delta-9-THC, are federally legal. Additionally, the Controlled Substances Act was amended to no longer include the tetrahydrocannabinol found in hemp.
This means that Delta-8 is not a controlled substance but a legitimate hemp product, and nothing specifically prevents you from bringing Delta-8 on a flight. Actually, the TSA is not particularly interested in sniffing out cannabis-related products. However, their policy is to report any illegal items they discover while searching your bags to the nearest law enforcement agency.
Naturally, even if your Delta-8 products are mistakenly identified as Delta-9-THC products, you will still be interrogated while the products are being tested.
Carrying proof that your Delta-8 is actually a legal hemp product, such as your receipt from the store or any pertinent test results, may be useful. Even if your hemp products are seized, you’re not likely to be detained or charged with a crime.
One reason why it’s crucial to only purchase Delta-8 from reliable, trustworthy sources is due to this. You might be in a lot more trouble if you happen to be carrying Delta-8 products that contain more Delta-9 than is allowed by law.
How To Safely Bring Delta 8 On Your Flight
You might assume it’s time to pack your hemp goodies and leave after checking with your airline and your local laws. Before packing your hemp products, keep reading for additional considerations.
Bring Documentation from Your Purchase
In an airport, it’s critical to come prepared. Also, make sure to bring your receipt and a printed copy of the product’s certificate of analysis (COA) to avoid having your hemp products thrown away or being accused of being fake. If your products are flagged but you still want to bring them, these documents will be useful.
Keep It in the Original Packaging
Keep your hemp products in their original packaging if you intend to travel with them. TSA and law enforcement will be able to identify it and might even recognize the brand if you keep it in the packaging.
Make Sure the Product is Farm-Bill Compliant
Verify that any hemp products you bring on the flight comply with the Farm Bill before bringing them. Check the COA for clarification; if it isn’t, you risk punishment.
Swap it with Hemp-Derived Delta-9
Don’t worry if Delta 8 is prohibited where you’re going to be traveling. Replace it with Delta-9 products made from hemp. There is no worry about them traveling across state lines because they are permitted in all 50 states.
You risk being charged with drug trafficking and sentenced to prison if you transport cannabis between any two states, whether by plane or car and regardless of whether it is permitted there or not.
Now is a very dangerous time to travel with delta-8. Delta-8 is frequently confused with delta-9 THC because many people don’t know what it is. In addition, even at TSA, the rules and laws surrounding delta-8 are unclear.
In the end, it doesn’t seem like it would be worth the risk of being charged with a federal crime to save the time and effort it would take to locate delta-8 at your destination.