Many of us who wear jeans everyday face this issue on a regular basis: how to sew on a new button when your old one falls off.
When pushed, the button on a pair of jeans will occasionally fly off like the cork on a champagne bottle, while other times it will silently disappear into the laundry basket. Perhaps you overate or are simply growing around your waist!
The button replacement would be difficult for a beginner sewer. However, mending a jean button is simpler than sewing a button. You only need a hammer and an extra pair of fresh jeans buttons. There is absolutely no sewing.
Do Jean Buttons Require Replacement?
In some instances, you can fix a broken button or install a new rivet button to replace a button on your jeans. Most often, rivet buttons—a special type of no-sew button—are used on jeans.
This kind of fastener lacks the customary loop or holes for a thread to pass through. The only thing holding it to the garment is a piece of tape, not thread. Instead, it is delivered in two pieces. The bottom half resembles a tack with a screw for its pointy end, while the top half has a rounded face.
The two halves of the garment are tightly pressed together to form a seal. This fastener is sometimes referred to as a no-sew, rivet, tack, or bachelor button.
Even while a rivet-style button may sound similar to a metal snap, there are several fundamental distinctions between the two types of fasteners. The cylindrical core of the rivet, which fits through the center hole, forces the heads on each side of a rivet button to change form. A snap is designed to fit together and then easily separate.
Many jeans include microscopic copper rivets at key stress places, such as the corners of pockets. These reinforce the durable denim, preventing tears and early deterioration.
How To Fix A Broken Button On Jeans

By learning how to install a tack button without harming the denim, you can replace a missing or broken button on a pair of jeans. The simplest way to do this is to use a hammer or a unique pinching tool to help you force the two halves of the tack button together.
Before reinserting the button, you might occasionally need to perform some hand sewing to strengthen or repair the denim. You might also learn some “jean button hacks” that will be useful in an emergency!
Buttons are incredibly simple to replace in jeans, fortunately. Because it takes so little time, experienced seamstresses and tailors frequently only charge $7 to $12 for this service!
Step 1. Gather your supplies
Place your jeans on a flat surface and take off the button. Keep the jeans preferably on a hard, flat surface so that they won’t be damaged by hammer blows.
You must visit a store to purchase a metal button made specifically for jeans if you don’t already have one at home. Look for it under the “jeans button” in the store. It will undoubtedly be available at the haberdashery shop close to your house.
Step 2. Reinforce the hole
For two reasons: first, the hole widened as you were removing it, therefore you may wish to reinforce it. Another possibility is that the button on your new jeans’ hole is unfastened.
If you use a seam ripper or other sharp item to remove the damaged button, you will need to make the hole larger.
To begin, insert your button; if it hangs loosely, keep some additional fabric (one or two layers) under the hole.
Step 3. The process of button insertion
Do you possess the plastic tool for jean buttons? If so, leave the plastic tool where it is. The rest of the time, relax. Just a convenience, really.
It’s entirely optional to use the jeans-button tool. However, it is a useful tool to have. It serves as a pair of tongs to hold the two buttons in place and guards against damage from the hammer’s hard blow to the metal button.
Step 4. Insert the tack button from the back into the hole
Step 5 Try to close it by pressing the top button from the front; it won’t work. but Keep it that way.
Step 6. Position the Cloth Patch and Iron
Place the piece of cloth carefully so as not to disturb the tape underneath. Check the directions that came with the tape before setting the iron to cotton and holding it in place with a damp cloth for the recommended 10 seconds.
How To Reuse The Button From An Old Pair Of Jeans
Metal jean buttons are designed to be used only once. The tack is placed, but it is not intended to be removed. The old button from your jeans can be used again on a different pair of pants, though, if it is still firmly fastened to the waistband.
Cut a circle out of the waistband on the worn-out pair of jeans, with the button in the center. Just inside the gold waistband’s stitches, cut. From the patch’s bottom edge, trim off any extra seam allowances.
Return to the mended jeans and inspect the hole where the button was removed. The hole must be just large enough to push the circle of cloth to the rear of the waistband. An ideal hole would have the same circumference as the button shank. Although you can make it a little bigger, don’t go too big! Cutting it too large will merely weaken the jeans unnecessarily.
Thread the fabric patch with the button through the back opening of the waistband. For this, I’m utilizing my thermostats, which work fantastically well. The button should be placed on the outside of the pants, while the cloth patch should be placed inside the waistband.
What Takes Place If The Button’s Two Halves Separate Once More?
This happened after I hammered the two parts together, most likely as a result of the hole wearing down or expanding. Simply purchase a new button or dab some superglue onto the pointed end of the button to prevent this from happening.