I’ve never had much of a public profile, either because I appear tall or because I smell like marijuana a lot. Not because I’m ashamed of it or wish to keep my smoking habits a secret. Simply said, I don’t want to deal with the unsaid criticism of folks I encounter in the weeds. I have some efficient methods to get rid of the smell of pot after smoking weeds because I find this to be the world’s most unpleasant thing.
I’ve never been a high-profile person in public, either because I look tall or because I smell strongly of marijuana. This is not because I am ashamed of it or want to hide the fact that I smoke. I just don’t want to face the silent judgment of strangers I meet in the wild. This is the most annoying thing in the world, which is why I have some effective ways to eliminate the smell of weeds after smoking.
Why Does the Smell of Weeds Stick to Clothes?
Before we begin how to quickly remove the smell of weeds from clothes, let’s first discuss why the smell of marijuana sticks to clothes. Hemp contains terpenes, which are organic compounds that produce odors in some plants. Terpenes exist not only in cannabis, but also in lavender, pine and other plants. The problem is that cannabis contains high concentrations of terpenes. In other words, marijuana emits a strong smell – which will be stronger if lit or smoked. When you smoke weeds, plants will release terpenes, so there is a strong weed smell.
Hemp terpenes are attached to the surfaces of walls, furniture, carpets and, of course, clothing fabrics. This explains why the smell of weeds sticks to your clothes after smoking. Dealing with this smell may be stressful, but there are some tried and tested ways to quickly remove the smell of weeds on clothes. Read on and learn what these are!
How to Get Rid of Weed Smell on Clothes?
Removing the smell of marijuana is much more complicated. After you smoke, you can smell weeds everywhere. From you to your room, even to your clothes, when your mood is high, everything is likely to have a lingering smell of weeds. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get rid of it. There are several ways to ensure that the smell of weeds disappears quickly.
- Washing powder
Washing clothes often can get rid of the smell of marijuana on clothes. This may seem obvious, but it is important to know how the detergent cleans the cloth and that other options may also work. Laundry detergent uses “surfactant” or surfactant to clean clothes. Simply put, surfactants dilute water to allow it to penetrate into clothing and combine with oil from skin, hair, food, etc. before rinsing. In a perfect world, this is enough, but if not, what else can we do?
- Mouth wash
When trying to remove the smell of weeds, most people focus on the space where marijuana is smoked. But just cleaning carpets, clothes and countertops can’t completely eliminate the odor. This is because, like cigarettes, weeds do leave a smell in your breath. To ensure that every ounce of weed odor is removed, use a strong mouthwash, such as listerin ultra clean mouthwash. In addition, mouthwash can also clean the mouth and teeth every time you use it.
- Baking soda
The glass jar, labeled “baking soda”, is filled with white powder. Soak the clothes in baking powder before washing them to absorb the smell of marijuana. The official name of baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, which is usually used to eliminate the smell of food behind the refrigerator. When you were young, you might pour vinegar into it to make a foaming volcano. This is because baking soda reacts strongly with acid to neutralize the pH difference between them. This principle can also be used to neutralize odors caused by acids, such as odors in smoke.
In order to achieve the most effective use effect, soak a cup of baking soda in warm water for an hour before washing clothes. Once baking soda is washed away, it will carry odorous molecules into the sewer. If the clothes with problems “can only be dry cleaned”, you can also sprinkle baking soda on the clothes, then put it in a sealed bag and check it every hour or so to see if there is any improvement.
- Vinegar
Vinegar is a common method to solve smelly clothes. If you exercise, you may be familiar with adding vinegar to laundry detergent. This common household acid can be used in a range of cleaning solutions, and your clothes are no exception. Before washing clothes, soak the clothes in a mixture of vinegar and water, or add it during the rinsing cycle of the washing machine, and let it stand for an hour.
- Febreze and odor absorption spray
Febreze can quickly mask the smell of smoke. The active ingredient in febreze is a compound called cyclodextrin. Enthusiasts of chemistry may want to know more, but the rest of us just need to know that this compound binds to the molecules you smell and prevents them from being detected by olfactory receptors – that is, being smelled. Although this is a good short-term solution, remember that cyclodextrins “capture” odors, but they will not remove them. Before you wash clothes, the source of smell will always exist, no matter how hidden it is.
- Activated carbon
Activated carbon adsorbs gases, liquids and stray compounds, including compounds that cause odor. The working principle of photo L / C activated carbon is “adsorption”, that is, solids keep gases or liquids on the surface, rather than complete absorption through more common absorption. Although activated carbon usually looks like an inconspicuous black powder, it actually has an amazing surface area due to its micropores – that is, it is full of micropores. Gases and liquids may pass through carbon, but along the way, carbon binds and retains many stray compounds, including those that cause odor. The water filter in the refrigerator uses activated carbon to clean water in the same way.
This black powder has been used in some hunting equipment to prevent the smell of the wearer from escaping. It can be used to clean clothes like baking soda. Add some carbon to the plastic bag to absorb the smell without wetting the clothes or soaking the clothes in a mixture with water. Please note that these things may look like black dyes before they are washed off. Try to put it in the sink or bathtub.

- Fresh air and sunshine
There is nothing like fresh air and sunshine to remove the odor from clothes. High temperature can actually bond certain chemicals to the fabric. Did you accidentally throw a dirty shirt into the dryer, and now it is permanent? Odor producing molecules are no exception. If the odor producing molecules dry at high temperature, they may combine with the molecules of the fabric too strongly and will never be completely clean.
Therefore, the solution is to dry the cloth at a lower temperature. Most dryers offer this option, but the best option is still to hang the clothes outside. The relatively low heat will prevent any odorous molecules from adhering to the fabric, at least allowing you to wash again to improve the effect.
Sunlight can also make clothes smell through ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays from the sun contain a small amount of ionizing radiation, which will destroy organic matter. When this happens to our skin, we call it sunburn, but the same principle also applies to organic acids or microorganisms, such as odor causing bacteria.
Exposing a shirt to the sun for a few hours may be enough to eliminate any organic source of odor. Fresh air will also wash several other natural odors through cloth, covering all residual odors. But be careful with your favorite clothes, because ultraviolet rays can also fade dyes and pigments.
- Invest in air purifiers
Investing in air purifiers like this levoit air purifier device is a good idea, because these devices can actually directly eliminate and neutralize the smell in the air, while capturing pollen, pet dander and other allergens. The air purifier can not only remove the pungent smell of weeds, but also deal with other smells in your home, making the air you breathe cleaner than before. Levoit’s air purifier is one of the most watched products on Amazon, and its size is quite compact.
How to Remove the Smell of Weeds at Home After Smoking
When you smoke, you’re not the only one who smells like marijuana. Everything around you is like this. Although you may be used to the smell of marijuana at home, others may not be used to it, which is why sometimes it is important to remove the smell of weeds.
The easiest way is to turn on the fan and open the window. If the wind blows the smoke back indoors, turn the fan on the window and turn it on. This will help blow the smoke outdoors. However, be careful in doing so. Although smoke may come out of your house, it may let your neighbors know that you are smoking marijuana, so be vigilant!
You can also invest in air fresheners or scented candles to make sure your house doesn’t smell like weeds. Scented candles can mask the smell of marijuana, and some candles can neutralize and eliminate the smell.
There is also a special deodorizing spray that can help you complete this work. Spray them on your room, curtains and carpets to remove the smell of weeds.
Another thing many people forget is that even if you don’t smoke, marijuana will give off a smell at home. Therefore, in order to eliminate this smell, try storing marijuana in a sealed container or zipper bag.
You can also plan ahead and burn incense before smoking. Light the incense for about 5 minutes before you smoke. There will be a strong smell of incense in the air, which covers up the smell of the pot when you smoke.
We can take off our shirts and put them aside when smoking. Although this may work to some extent, it is usually not a practical choice or a comfortable choice. In order to at least reduce the odor absorbed by clothes, smoke outdoors as much as possible to maximize the dispersion of odor causing molecules. If you can’t do this, at least blow the smoke out of the window or fan to keep the smoke away from you. One day, tasteless marijuana may appear, but before that, if your clothes continue to smell this smell, you should be prepared for the above.