We’ll review the typical causes of dry, brittle hair and what you can do to fix the issue in order to put an end to your straw-like hair.
Straw-like hair can be challenging to style. It is difficult to style, lacks shine, and appears unhealthily. which may cause you to begin to believe that when your hair is dry, it looks like straw. Additionally, hair breakage and loss frequently begin with dryness.
Why is My Hair So Dry and Brittle?
Get to the bottom of the issue and determine what is causing your tresses to become dry and fall out in order to determine the best course of action to fix your moisture-lacking, straw-like locks. A common hair issue, dryness can be brought on by a number of environmental, lifestyle, and health issues, from vitamin deficiency to water hardness.
Reasons for dry, straw-like hair include:
- Heat Application
Dryness susceptibility will increase with the use of hair dryers and styling tools, particularly on high heat settings. Reduce the heat and buy a good heat protectant spray.
- Chemical based hair care
Sulfates, parabens, and alcohol should never be used in haircare products. All of these have ties to hair deterioration and loss, and they may be to blame for your hair’s straw-like texture. A gentle cleanser with a naturally derived formula, such as our Baobab Gentle Detangler and Cleanser, will ensure that dirt and grime buildup are removed from your hair while also protecting it from harmful substances.
- Hair colouring
Regular hair dyeing, especially bleaching, will definitely deplete the moisture in your hair. Purchase a lot of treatments and the appropriate care for colored hair. Hair loss can also be caused by harm from these common salon procedures, as well as from perms or hair-relaxing procedures.
- Diet
Your hair will be less shiny and more prone to breakage if your meals and snacks are deficient in vitamins and nutrients.
- Shower water
If you live in a region with hard water, it will affect not only what you drink but also what you wash with. Mineral content in hard water is higher leaving a damaging deposit on your hair
- Regular trims
Hair can become brittle and develop out-of-control split ends if you don’t keep up with your appointments at the hair salon. To keep your hair in top shape, give it a trim on a regular basis.
- Harsh brushing
Even when the hair is dry, brushing should be gentle and not forced to prevent breakages. Brushing your hair while it is wet requires a delicate touch because the hair is more brittle at this stage. It can stress the root and scalp, causing fall out, to force the brush through tangled hair.
- Weather
Wearing a hair SPF and covering your mane with a hat or wrap are important precautions to take to protect your hair from the sun’s drying effects, but other elements, like the wind, can also damage your hair, leaving it dry and straw-like.
- Chlorine
The chlorine in the water can dry out your hair if you are a regular swimmer or even just enjoy spending time in the pool while on vacation. Using a swimming hat or keeping your hair out of the water can help preserve the natural moisture in your hair.

Why Does My Hair Feel Like Straw After Showering?
Wet hair weakens, becoming more prone to breakage and frizz. When you step out of the shower, improper handling of wet hair can leave you feeling like a straw. The products you use during the washing process, improper brushing, the hardness of your water, and how you dry and style your hair are all things to take into account as potential causes of these results post-shower.
Water Hardness
Your home’s water supply might be to blame for your mop’s lack of moisture. The straw-like texture of dry hair from hard water makes split ends and breakages more likely. Installing a water softener can make your shower water softer and leave less mineral buildup on your hair by removing the minerals from the water. The final result was soft, shiny, and healthy-looking hair!
Chemical Haircare
Sulfates and other chemicals that are bad for your hair can be found in some hair care products, which is why hair experts are vocal about them. They are extremely drying and cruel to your locks. The dry, straw-like texture of your hair can be repaired by naturally hydrating it with a natural conditioner like this Marula Oil Leave In Conditioner.
Harsh Brushing
When hair is wet, it is most fragile, so use extra caution when brushing wet hair. When the hair dries, it may feel like straw and break easily. If you like to brush through in the shower then:
- Make sure your hair is coated with conditioner or a hair mask so the brush can easily pass through it.
- For wet hair, use a brush that is specifically made for that purpose.
- To ensure that your strands are not injured or damaged, don’t pull or be forceful when you come across a knot.
Post Shower Styling
It’s tempting to use a towel to dry off your mane after getting out of the shower, but doing so can actually harm hair. After a shower, squeeze the water out of your hair from roots to ends using a microfiber towel, and keep doing so until you have no more drips! If at all possible, let your hair air dry; however, if you must use heat, use a heat-protectant spray or lotion.
Could Straw Hair Be a Medical Concern?
Dry and brittle hair could be an indication of a medical issue, such as:
- Hypothyroidism: Dry and brittle hair can be one of the first signs of a thyroid condition where the thyroid gland isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone.
- Hypoparathyroidism: Your body may not be producing enough parathyroid hormone, which could lead to a calcium deficiency and dry, brittle hair.
- An eating disorder: Malnutrition is a common side effect of eating disorders, and it can cause dry and brittle hair.
How to Fix Dry and Brittle Hair
It is important to address your hair care routine as the first step in repairing straw-like hair. Think about changing your habits and the products you use. For example:
- try lowering the heat setting on your hair drying and styling tools and using them less frequently
- select a shampoo that’s appropriate for your hair type and reduce your shampooing frequency
- choose a conditioner that’s appropriate for your hair type and use it often
- protect your hair from the sun’s UV rays and other environmental factors by wearing a hat, scarf, or other head covering
- adjust your diet to include nutritional foods that support healthy hair
Make an appointment to see a primary care physician or dermatologist if you don’t experience improvement after making lifestyle and product changes. They might have additional recommendations for how to take care of your hair. Additionally, they might perform tests for underlying illnesses.
How Does Your Diet Affect Your Straw-like Hair?
Vitamin Intake
Vitamins are essential for healthy hair, just like they are for a healthy body. If your hair is dry, you may not be getting enough of the vitamins necessary for a healthy mane from your diet. Your food choices are a great way to replenish the nutrients in your hair.
Iron, a vitamin that helps the blood carry oxygen to your cells, is crucial for hair growth. Red meat, spinach, and quinoa are good sources of extra iron. Vitamin A and zinc, two additional examples of crucial vitamins for healthy hair, are both found in abundance in spinach.
Your hair can reflect what you put into your body, so if you aren’t getting the right nutrients from your diet, it may be evident. You should evaluate your diet to make sure it’s balanced and includes enough vitamins if your hair starts to look straw-like, breaks, or falls out.
Your hair needs protein because it promotes elasticity and strength, which lowers breakages. Hair loss can be brought on by a lack of protein in the diet.
As we all know, water consumption is crucial to maintaining our bodies’ fluid balance as well as to prevent dry, brittle hair. Maintaining an accurate record of your daily intake will help you live a healthier lifestyle and control the moisture in your hair.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Does My Hair Dry Hard and Crunchy?
Lack of moisture is typically the root cause of your hair feeling straw-like, crunchy, and dry. Reduce the heat on your hairdryer and other styling appliances by using them less frequently. Use deeply moisturizing hair products, and use a hair mask once a week.
Does Long Hair Take Away Nutrients?
No, this is a widely believed myth. While the lengths and ends of your hair are actually dead tissue, the root of your hair grows because it is alive. However, as your hair grows, it becomes weaker, so it is important to take care of it to keep it looking healthy. Your hair will be revitalized and nourished by using a mask or treatment once per week, such as the Babassu Oil Hair Masque.
Why is My Hair So Dry All of a Sudden?
Using products that are not intended for your hair can leave your hair dry, brittle, and fragile, making it breakable and having a straw-like texture. Another reason for dry hair may be that you aren’t using enough conditioner, the wrong kind of conditioner, or moisturizing treatments as part of your routine.
Most likely, there is a moisture issue if your hair feels like straw. Changing your usual hair products and hair care routine can usually fix this.
Consult a dermatologist if changing your diet and using different products don’t help. They might conduct tests to rule out conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperparathyroidism.