Waist trainers have become extremely popular in the last ten or so years as a way to achieve the ideal waist shape and slim figure, and some claim that they can even help women lose weight. Does a waist trainer really help you to lose weight, though? Do you think sleeping in a waist trainer would help you see more results?
By decreasing appetite, shifting and changing the appearance of fat, and reducing appetite, sleeping with a waist trainer can help you lose weight. But waist trainers don’t burn off extra fat. It is advised to wear waist trainers for at least 8 hours each day for the best results. After two months of use, you might notice an hourglass shape developing.
If you are hoping to learn about how you might use a waist trainer to help you either lose belly fat or change the appearance of your midsection, this is the piece for you. Continue reading to discover how using a waist trainer can affect results, safety precautions, and before and after pictures. Let’s dig in!

What is a Waist Trainer?
The modern corset is a waist trainer. In order to give the impression that you have an hourglass figure, it is worn around your midsection.
There are three primary types of waist trainers:
- Everyday trainers. These waist trainers typically offer compression, have a latex core, and hook-and-eye closures. They are made to be worn under clothing.
- Workout trainers. Workout waist trainers typically have a latex core, making them more durable than a regular waist trainer. Many are made to be worn uncovered.
- Steel-boned trainers. These waist trainers have a more conventional design and typically have tightening laces in the back as well as flexible steel boning for reinforcement.
Most waist trainers make the claim to help you lose weight or contour your waist into a sculpted silhouette.
How to Use a Waist Trainer to Lose Belly Fat
When using a waist trainer, most often the intent is to lose some belly fat. A waist trainer can also be used to develop better eating habits or posture. The question arises, how should you properly use a waist trainer to lose belly fat?
When you start using one, your waist trainer should be snugly fitting on the largest setting. As time passes and your results start to show, you’ll be able to size down and tighten your trainer. This way, you are able to facilitate a gradual slimming of your waist, versus overdoing it and trying to get your trainer to a smaller setting than you might be ready for.
In order to help you reduce belly fat, you should plan to clasp the waist trainer close to the narrowest part of your waist and pull it down over the remaining portion of your abdomen. You will feel fuller more quickly and consume less food overall if you use a trainer like this. By supporting your core and subtly reminding you to sit up, the waist trainer will also automatically improve your posture by helping you stand up straighter and taller.
Again, we want to emphasize that the idea of gradually tightening your trainer is key here. Overdoing it and tightening the waist trainer before your body is prepared won’t be as safe or effective. You can also learn more about what to anticipate by talking to a personal trainer or someone who has used a waist trainer.
How Long to Wear Waist Trainer to See Results?
For best results, it is advised that women who use waist trainers wear them for at least 8 hours every day. This is another reason why it’s become more common to sleep in waist trainers, as doing so can help to enhance their effects.
If you decide to go this route, you should wear a waist trainer for at least 8 to 10 hours each day and for several weeks or even months at a time.
Most people combine their waist trainers with the appropriate amount of exercise and a diet that is not only healthier and more balanced, but also smaller because the waist trainer changes your appetite. With these smaller portions of food you’ll be eating, you’ll receive the proper nutrition.
Does Waist Training Flatten Your Stomach?
Wearing a waist trainer won’t help you lose extra body fat. In the same way that working out does not magically melt fat away but rather allows it to burn up as it is used by your body, a waist trainer does not magically train fat away.
Contrarily, waist trainers accomplish exactly what their name suggests. Your waist fat is trained to move to particular areas or to take on a different appearance.
Because their stomachs are maintained in the same position throughout the day, those who wear waist trainers for more than 8 hours a day experience the best results. As a result, even after the trainer is taken off, it still looks flatter.
Sleeping With a Waist Trainer before and After
If you sleep in a waist trainer, you might be wondering what your results will be.
Over time, you should expect to see results. Over time, your waist will grow accustomed to fitting into specific ranges, and it will eventually maintain that shape even when the waist trainer is removed.
Many people use waist trainers while they sleep to help regain a particular look, including those who have had children and are trying to quickly get back to their toned core region.
However, there have been case studies that emphasize the safety aspects of this trend. According to Penn State University’s case study on waist trainers, even Dr. Oz has looked into the safety of these products.
We’ll return to the subject of safety after we discuss the study’s actual findings. What effect do these waist trainers truly have?
In these case studies, MRIs tend to show that a woman’s waist will have shrunk around 2 inches. A waist trainer won’t necessarily cause you to lose weight, but it will definitely redistribute fat away from your waist.
Benefits of Sleeping With a Waist Trainer
Even though some people discourage using waist trainers, the outcomes still speak for themselves. There are advantages to using a waist trainer for your individual goals and choosing to sleep in one.
- Reduced appetite (if that is a goal of yours)
- Slimmer appearance in the waist area
- Potential for improved posture thanks to the fit of the waist trainer
- More of an hourglass shape
Most directly, sleeping in a waist trainer will extend the amount of time that you wear it. This will increase the slimming benefits as your waist will remain in that specific shape for an additional 6-8 hours (we hope you get at least 6 hours of sleep, that is!)
After using the product for about two months, you might eventually notice the shape of an hourglass forming. You could decide to wear your waist trainer at night while you sleep if you ever don’t want to wear it during the day or have clothing that you can’t wear a waist trainer with, such as certain professional outfits, swimwear, or anything else.
With these benefits also come some concerns, which you may want to be aware of if you are thinking of purchasing a waist trainer for use.
Dangers of Sleeping With a Waist Trainer
There are risks associated with wearing a waist trainer, especially for extended periods of time while sleeping, as we mentioned in a section above.
- Wearing a waist trainer in general will compress your organs. If you remember the section above where we mention that women’s’ waists tend to shrink by notable amounts, you should also understand that the effect of this shrinkage is a potentially dangerous compression of vital organs in the abdomen
- There is the potential for acid reflux, as your organs are more compressed while lying down in a waist trainer.
- You may have interrupted sleep because of the discomfort caused by the waist trainer
- Your oxygen supply may potentially be reduced as a side-effect of these things
Apart from these serious dangers, wearing clothing that drastically alters the shape of the waist and suppresses appetite can cause dysmorphia and possibly trigger other eating disorders by altering one’s perception of one’s body.
There may be long-lasting effects on your ability to sleep, such as insomnia or altered sleep patterns, if sleeping with a waist trainer becomes a significant enough problem.
Since waist trainers do produce results, it is important to weigh the benefits of using this technique against the risks. If you decide to use a waist trainer, you may want to think about talking to a doctor or other health professional who can help you navigate any significant issues or topics pertaining to your individual health.
How Long to Wear Waist Trainer to See Results?

Waist trainers should be worn for at least 8 hours each day, according to some experts in the field. You might be advised to sleep while donning this unique garment.
The longer you wear a waist trainer, the more effective the results will be, which is why wearing one while you sleep is advised. Regrettably, not everyone who wants to benefit the most from this weight loss fad finds this to be the case.
The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery advises against sleeping in a waist trainer because it may interfere with your ability to breathe and worsen other medical conditions.
In general, especially at night, there is no advised duration for wearing this item. Below are some risks of sleeping with a waist trainer:
- May prevent proper digestion, hence leading to acid reflux.
- may deprive the body of oxygen, reducing lung capacity as a result.
- may disrupt sleep, resulting in physical discomfort and poor sleep quality.
Dedicated waist training enthusiasts prefer staying corseted for up to 10 hours daily, but some days off are considered for several times each month. For maintaining an hourglass figure and weight loss, this is the perfect length to wear waist trainers. Once more, your dedication and perseverance throughout the waist training process will determine the results.
Bottom Line
The best time to wear a waist trainer if your workplace has a dress code that prohibits corsets or waist trainers is while you sleep.
Before going to bed wearing your waist trainer, just make sure you’ve taken the necessary precautions. While attempting to lose weight through waist training, this can help you create the ideal sleeping environment.
Using a mattress that is sufficiently firm, choosing the best sleeping position, and feeling comfortable wearing the waist trainer are some additional suggestions for making it work.